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Smart business starts with smart technology. Trinlogix tools for financial professionals provide smart solutions to assist you in serving your clients. Our technology provides an enhanced experience while aiding compliance amidst ever-changing rules and regulations.
The software has the API carry out actions on its behalf using authorization tokens, with an accompanying user identifier (the user’s numerical ID). This API is a web service, and works via POST requests.
The software will support the following operating systems: WOS, macOSX, Linux
LAMP Stack – Linux, NGINX, MySQL, PHP – WebGL and React to render the motion of the 3D cube view.
For the best security, the database has unique users, which limit what data certain parts of the software can access. Furthermore, the users are only allowed to connect to the database over a local connection within the same datacenter (DigitalOcean NYC3) This means that no database traffic travels over the Internet, and ping times are extremely low, leading to the highest level of efficiency and security.
All of Trinlogix’ services are highly secured. Our traffic passes over secure connections that utilize the most recent security standards, protecting user information from being accessed via all known SSL exploits. Our servers also use a strong Diffie-Hellman group (2048 bits) to ensure strong encryption keys. All of our publicly hosted services have an A rating from SSL Labs.
Trinlogix has the ability to fully integrate its tool into a website or other portal (via an iframe) as well as provide SaaS through the use of its secure servers, connecting via a JavaScript API or allow licensing of code to be operated from client’s servers.
The Admin Console is the main user interface and allows user to carry out functions such as, but not limited to, creating portfolios, adding investments to portfolios & viewing portfolios. The admin console is hosted on the Web Server.
Users can create tokens that have a limited scope of access to a user’s account. This will allow third parties to interface with Trinlogix to carry out actions on the user’s behalf.
Coming soon.
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